pyksolve package

A wrapper around the Klondike-Solver.


pyksolve.solver module

Provides the wrapped main function of “KlondikeSolver.cpp”.

class pyksolve.solver.Solitaire

Bases: object

Wrapper around the Solitaire C++ class from Klondike-Solver.


int -> Number of cards drawn for each draw move.


int -> Output of “FoundationCount()”.


Get the current game diagram in the default format.

Returns:str -> The game diagram in the default format.

Get the current game diagram in PySol format.

Returns:str -> The game diagram in the PySol format.
get_move_info(self, move_index)

Move info as KlondikeSolver provides it.

Parameters:move_indexint -> valid move index.

Get the current card set in PySol format.

Returns:str -> The card set in the PySol format.

Get the current card set.

Returns:str -> The card set in the default format.
load_pysol(self, card_set)

Load a card set in the PySol format.

Parameters:card_setstr -> The card set in the PySol format.
load_solitaire(self, card_set)

Load a card set in the default format.

Parameters:card_setstr -> The card set in the default format.

Get a space delimited list of the moves made to solve.

Returns:str -> The moves delimited by single spaces.

int -> Output of “MovesMadeCount()”.


int -> Output of “MovesMadeNormalizedCount()”.

reset_game(self, draw_count=None)

Calls the ResetGame method.

Parameters:draw_countint -> Number of cards drawn for each draw move.
shuffle1(self, deal_number=-1)

Calls the Shuffle1 method.

Parameters:deal_numberint -> Optional random seed.
Returns:int -> Random seed used to shuffle.
shuffle2(self, deal_number)

Calls the Shuffle2 method.

Parameters:deal_numberint -> Random seed.
solve_fast(self, two_shift=0, three_shift=0, max_closed_count=None)

Attempts to find a fast but possibly not minimal solution.

  • two_shiftOptional[int] ->
  • three_shiftOptional[int] ->
  • max_closed_countOptional[int] -> Maximum number of game states to evaluate before terminating. Defaults to 5,000,000.

SolveResult -> The result of the attempt.

solve_minimal(self, max_closed_count=None)

Attempts to find a minimal solution.

Parameters:max_closed_countOptional[int] -> Maximum number of game states to evaluate before terminating. Defaults to 5,000,000.
Returns:SolveResult -> The result of the attempt.
solve_minimal_multithreaded(self, num_threads, max_closed_count=None)

Attempts to find a minimal solution, using multiple threads.

  • num_threadsint -> Number of threads to use.
  • max_closed_countOptional[int] -> Maximum number of game states to evaluate before terminating. Defaults to 5,000,000.

SolveResult -> The result of the attempt.

class pyksolve.solver.SolveResult

Bases: enum.Enum

Solve result enum.

CouldNotComplete = -2
Impossible = 0
SolvedMayNotBeMinimal = -1
SolvedMinimal = 1

pyksolve.deferred module

Provides the DeferredSolver class that generates a number of solvable games for faster access to a solvable seed on demand.

class pyksolve.deferred.DeferredSolver(draw_counts: Tuple[int, ...] = (1, 3), cache_num: int = 5, threads: int = 3, max_closed: int = 1000000, seed: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Provides a cache of solved games, that is kept at a user defined number of games for each specified draw count. To properly clean up, call DeferredSolver.stop() when the DeferredSolver is no longer needed.

  • draw_countsTuple[int, ...] -> for which draw count a cache is generated. Defaults to (1, 3).
  • cache_numint -> number of solvable games to cache at any time. Defaults to 5.
  • threadsint -> number of workers to run solvers. Defaults to 3.
  • max_closedint -> max_closed argument to be passed to the used pyksolve.solver.Solitaire.solve_fast() method. Defaults to 1,000,000.


If you don’t call DeferredSolver.stop(), your program might hang until terminated forcefully. After DeferredSolver.stop() was called, the class is defunct!

get_solved(draw_count: int) → Tuple[int, str, str][source]

Get a solved game from cache with the specified draw count.

Parameters:draw_countint -> valid draw count value as specified on init.
Returns:Tuple of (seed, game_diagram before solved, moves_made).

Signals all threads to stop.