
About pyksolve

pyksolve is a wrapper around Klondike-Solver using Cython.

Using pyksolve

Small usage sample

from pyksolve import solver

s = solver.Solitaire()
s.reset_game()  # Needs to be called before a solve_* method runs!!


result = s.solve_minimal_multithreaded(4)
if result == solver.SolveResult.SolvedMinimal:
    print('Found a solution:\n')
    print(f'No minimal solution found. SolveResult = "{repr(result)}"')
  1. This code creates a pyksolve.solver.Solitaire instance s which is then shuffled with 42 as optionally specified random seed. It is important, that pyksolve.solver.Solitaire.reset_game() is called before one of the solve_* methods is called.
  2. It prints out the game diagram after the shuffle, before trying to solve with a minimal solution using 4 hardware threads.
  3. Finally it verifies whether a minimal solution was found and either prints the corresponding moves made or just what result code was received.

Further information is available in the API Documentation.